'Tis the Season!

Ron Bulmann created the parade and leads every year!
Ron Bulmann created the parade and leads every year!
In December of 2008, about a week before Christmas, Ron Bulmann decorated his new John Deere lawn tractor, sporting antlers and a red nose with a Santa in the back, he toured the streets of Old Orenco each evening until Christmas Eve. He must have made quite an impression, because by the 3rd night, 2 more neighbors had decorated their lawn tractors and joined him. The next year a couple more neighbors joined and by about the 3rd year we had well over 10 floats. This was the year that "someone" complained to the police about the airhorn the parade used to draw people out of their homes (it played jingle bells). The police finally tracked them down, and told them in the future they need a permit from the city. The permit is free they told them. The catch to that was that the City won't issue a permit without proof of a $2,000,000 insurance policy.... of course that isn't free. For years we struggled with fund raisers to collect enough money to purchase the insurance. The last few years, we've depended on the help of web apps like Go Fund Me. Thank you if you are able to help!
2018 was the 10th anniversary of the parade, Ron changed his float a little bit to commemorate this special year!
Ron's usual float. Ron has always led the parade and kept his float the same (except for our 10th year).
Join the parade! Build a float and meet up on any/all of the parade dates at 6:45pm, NE 71st Ave between Birch and Dogwood
You can join the parade too! Just decorate your vehicle and trailer and come on out
The only rule(s) are you need to carry a fire extinguisher on your float (no one has ever had to use it, but is a requirement of our insurance). You can't throw candy (or anything else) from your float. This is a requirement of the City and our permit.
The only time weather has forced us to cancel was ice that was not safe for our vehicles to navigate!
Join the fun! Decorate your ATV, riding mower or even your car or truck! Contact us for more information.
Meetup will be on NE 71st Ave, between Orenco Elementary School and Orenco Woods Nature Park at 6:45pm.
This year's parade will be on December 13, 14, 15, 20 & 21
Each year we depend on your donations to cover insurance and advertising costs; you can make a donation by clicking on the "Go Fund Me" (click the button below) or by bringing your donation directly to Bulmann's.
Orenco Gardens and Old Orenco: December 13, 15 and 21
Danbury Park, Orenco Woods & Old Orenco: December 14 and 20
Parade begins each evening at 7:00pm SHARP and is finished by around 8:00pm
We will need 2 "crossing guards" on the evenings that we cross Century Blvd into Orenco Gardens, we have safety vests and traffic control flashlights that can be picked up at the Bulmann home on the day(s) you want to volunteer (please return them either the same evening or next day).
The crossing guard will need to be at the corner of Alder Street and Century Blvd at about 7:15pm; the parade will cross into Orenco Gardens shortly after 7:15 and then cross back into Old Orenco around 8:00pm. we need one person on each side of the intersection for the safety of the floats.
Use the link below to send an email letting us know which day(s) you'd like to volunteer for! This year, we need 2 volunteers on the 13th, 15th and 21st. If you have other questions, feel free to contact Pam Bulmann at 503-780-6757.
Let your friends and family know about the parade! If you would like a flier or poster, contact Pam Bulmann (orencochristmasparade@gmail.com) she'll get them printed and delivered to you! (or email you a digital copy for you to print and distribute)
For press or vendor inquiries, please send us a message. Thank you for your interest! We will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please specify if you are an observer or would like to be a participant.
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